Friday, November 23, 2007

Francisco at Monterey

Francisco liked to do trick in front of my camera. So here we are with the photos.

Ollie over coping.

Nice feature.

Kick flip tentative.


Marina skatepark

We wanted to skate the Marina skatepark near Monterey but It was not our lucky day. The skatepark was closed because some morons put few ugly graffiti over the main bowl.
Never mind, we pushed up to the Monterey skatepark.

Benoit and Lucas posing in front of the closing sign.

Benoit BS 50-50 at the Monterey skatepark.

Wall ride.

Air over the rail.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Alex and Justin at SV

Alex and Justin are two young kids from Santa Cruz. They master the FS in the big bowl.

Please Alex, if you read that post, I could not reply to your myspace email. You need to add me as your friend :)

Alex FS air.

Alex FS air.

Justin FS air.

Justin FS in the mini bowl.