Sunday, September 30, 2007

Tommy at the 2007 Tim Brauch contest

Tommy rides for Bill's wheels who must be happy with Tommy's second place.

Tommy FS air.

Steven at the 2007 Tim Brauch contest

Le calme avant la tempete.

Steven 5-0.

Grady at the 2007 Tim Brauch contest

Grady carving the G bowl.

Grady learning the crail slide (no more Miller flip?).


Board slide.

IJ cruzing at the 2007 Tim Brauch contest

IJ in a flawless run at the 2007 Tim Brauch skateboarding competition held at Scotts Valley. He finished 13 out of 31 groom competitors, amazing since He is only 6.

Tim Brauch contest 2007

The Tim Brauch 2007 contest is just happening at Scotts Valley. Yesterday, on Saturday, it was hard to miss Antony the Groom winer with his crazy pointy helmet and moreover his aggressive style.

Raven, 2006 winner, FS air.

Drake Riddiough massive air.

Drake Riddiough BS air.

Anthony Anaya clearing the Stello gap during his first flawless run.

Anthony Anaya FS air in the big bowl.

The groom 2006 winner one foot FS air.

Nice trick!

Justin getting warmed up in the mini bowl (blunt).

Rock and Roll.

Steven 5-0. He is so much stronger and faster than last year. Impressive.

TJ Smith grind on the G bowl.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Kids on the explosion zone at SV

Few kids about the same age knew how to pop their boards at the explosion zone. Hopefully I'll learn their names someday.

Stall fish.

Monster tuck knee.

Melon grab.

Jack (7 year old) getting ready for Tim Brauch contest

Jack in the explosion zone (melon grab).

Jack taking off (melon grab).

Tim Brauch contest J-2 with Isaac and Alex

Isaac (tuck knee) getting ready for the bowl contest on Sunday.

Isaac stale fish.

Tommy FS air.

Alex FS rock.

Tim Brauch Contest J-2 with Raven and Steven

Raven 5-0

Steven BS air.

Ollie way high.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Tommy feeble skateboarding sequence

Tommy is preparing his line for the coming Tim Brauch contest. Click the photo to start the sequence.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

IJ, Benoit and Chad at Scotts Valley

After Benoit was done with his soccer game, we stopped by Bill's wheel shop to get his skateboard fixed. We bought a nice yellow tee shirt :)

Benoit melon grab.

IJ nice indy air.

IJ quite comfortable in the big bowl. The photo does not do justice of his nice air.

Benoit rolling in the G bowl.

Chad was kind enough to try few trick for me just a the sun set. It was getting so dark that the flash was kind of disturbing for him. He did managed to pull some nice tricks.

Chad grab (neither indy, nor melon?).

Chad Smith grind.

Chad 50-50.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Getting ready for the Tim Brauch 2007 contest

The 2007 Tim Brauch contest is going to happen in less than 2 weeks. Scotts Valley skate park was busy on Saturday with some of the finest SC skateboarders.

Jeremy, Alex, Raven, Tommy and Cody.





Raven is flowing.

Alex crail slide.

Cody with is latest cool move (BS tail slide?).

Benoit is learning how to manual.

Benoit melon grab.

Tommy crooked grind with 180 flip (sequence coming soon).